The MAC Fruity Juicy collection, coming may 28th to MAC counters and online (available through June 29th) Hey, have you ever discovered that when someone cuts up some fruit ? for you, even if it’s,…
Nedeľa s kartami Mačka, Makeup, rovnako ako Charm Blog Mascot, Zv. 460
Náš Tabby bol v ohni dnes ráno! Verím, že niečo by malo mať prenikať cez noc … buď uličkou mačkou Jamboree, alebo prípadne zúriacou oslavou s regionálnou voľne žijúcich živočíchov. Neviem, ale záložky boli v…
Product Spotlight: roam beauty Wanderess chill Eyeshadow combination
I used this all with December. Ya know, with a new eyeshadow combination coming out every five seconds, you’d believe that discovering an remarkable cool-toned combination would be easy, however noooooooo. It’s not, as well…
Ditching Under-Eye Concealer: chapter 2
With and without the current under-eye non-concealer experiment, The Pearl in Softlight, by Tatcha OK, so it’s been an eye-opening few days, and not just because I sneaked in 10 hours of sleep Thursday night…
Black Friday charm Deals!
charm steals and deals for Black Friday! You could spend Black Friday, a.k.a. the day after Thanksgiving, sprawled out on your couch recovering from your turkey- and carb-induced food coma, OR you could spend the…
Tom Ford Winter Soleil Collection: Soleil Blanc Body Oil
, keď sa cítite Super Fancy. Tento chudobný chlapec je z novej kolekcie Tom Ford Winter Soleil, na počítadlách, ako aj na internete. BORA BORA. Bali. St. Barts. Novato, Kalifornia. … čo? REKLAMA Tom Ford…
Nedeľa s kartami Mačka, make-up a odvolanie Blog Mascot, Zv. 529
When you’re well into your second decade of life, often you can’t help but look back at the cats, toddlers and humans you’ve known, the places you’ve been, the flowers you’ve sniffed, the collars you’ve…
Mac extra dimension červenať v rozprávaní žiara a syntetické Aktualizácia! No, oveľa viac ako časť deux … alebo dodatok, ak budete, do minulého týždňa extra dimenzie príspevku. Mohli by ste si uvedomiť, že je tu…
Aká je najdlhšia, akú ste niekedy strávili na make-upu?
Nemôžem uveriť, že som využil 2-3 hodiny na mojom make-upom. Pre túto záležitosť nemôžem uveriť, že som použil, aby som mal 2-3 neprerušované hodiny stráviť na mojom make-up, lol! To je to, čo som robil…
Zoznam žiadostivosti, zv. 10: stuff I Kinda want
I told myself that if I run three times this week, I can reward myself with something from today’s Lust List… Never have I been so inspired to lace up my sneakers. REKLAMA See, that’s…