Make-up a krása blog pondelok ankety, zv. 499

love you!

Takže … Čo je to pondelok?

No, to nie je presne anketa. Je to skôr neustále sa vyvíjajúci (demontáž?), Trochu náhodný zoznam otázok, ktoré som uviedol čitateľovi každé pondelok ráno za posledných 10 (!) Rokov. (Je to ako Kickstart pre váš mozog.) Vždy som si užil čítanie vašich odpovedí v komentároch a dúfam, že sa vám páči baňa.

1. What would no one guess about you?

Hmm… That I love to bake! ??? I used to do it more than I do nowadays, but I still do it on occasion.

I’d do it more if my pals and family would eat my food, LOL! I mean, not to say that it doesn’t taste good (at least I think it tastes OK!), but there was a point in time when I was literally baking multiple cakes every weekend because I thought it was so much fun to do, and then I’d give all of my baked goods away to my friends, folks and my brother, but eventually they were like, “You need to stop because we’re all gaining weight.”


I just love the act of baking. I love the precision and the artistry, and how it’s a combination of science and art. Neviem…

Plus, you get something yummy to eat at the end, and how could you not love that?

2. Your thoughts on purple eye makeup?

I strongly believe that purple is a “do,” and everyone sitting here has to try using at least one purple liner. I recommend MAC Prunella as that liner.


Mačky a make-up mikiny?

42 dolárov

Nakupuj teraz

It’s not an in-your-face purple, though. It’s more of a deep plum, and the reason why everyone needs to try purple at least once IMO is because it enhances practically every eye color out there — especially blue, brown and hazel. Purple is the stuff!

It’s also the color of royalty, and prince loved it too.

3. What gets you up in the morning?

Sheer force of will, haha!

OK, if we’re being literal, then the answer is “my alarm clock,” also known as Tabs. He’s so vocal now in the morning, and when he isn’t meowing, he’s biting me to get up. LOL!

What also gets me up is knowing that the baby will get up at a certain time, which means that I have that before she gets up to myself, and it’s when I feel mentally fresh, so I know that I can get a lot of writing hotový.

I used to hate waking up at 5:30, but now I’m like, “I’m getting up, and we’re DOING THIS.”

Also, coffee helps. Veľa.

4. I think one should always be__________.

I think one should always be ready with a change of shoes, because you never know when the pair you’re wearing will start hurting your feet, and yes, I know this from experience.

5. Something you just started doing that’s making your life better?

Let me think here… Well, I just started decorating my living room. It’s been slow progress, but it’s definitely progress.

For the longest time… I mean, I’ve lived in this condo for years, and I haven’t wanted to seriously decorate because I have a major fear of furniture commitment. I just get so overwhelmed by the choices.

Someone in the comments here on MBB suggested starting with one thing — and in this case that thing was my new couch — and then build from there with things that you like, and that’s what I’ve been doing. I got a few lamps last weekend and grabbed some pillows with fall colors (wine, orange, gold) for the couch. It’s coming along.

Happy Halloween Eve/Monday!

Rise and shine, morning gory (haha)! Are you dressing up this week? and do the people where you work get into the spirit? I think it’s so amazing when people at work dress up for Halloween.


Vaša priateľská susedská krása,


P.S. here are the questions to copy and paste.
1. What would no one guess about you?
2. Your thoughts on purple eye makeup?
3. What gets you up in the morning?
4. I think one should always be__________.
5. Something you just started doing that’s making your life better?

Published by bzwqs

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